marți, 19 iunie 2012

hartan, halca, half

HARTÁN, hartane (hartanuri), s.n. 1. Bucată mare de carne; halcă. 2. (Rar) Zdreanță, ruptură (dintr-un obiect de îmbrăcăminte). [Var.: hărtán s.n.] – Et. nec. 

artna "limb, member, part"

1813, "large piece cut off," possibly from W.Flem. hunke (used of bread and meat), which is perhaps related to Du. homp "lump, hump."
 1690s, nasalized variant of chuck (n.) "cut of meat;" meaning "large amount" is 1889. Verb meaning "to throw" is 1835, Amer.Eng. Related: Chunked; chunking.
"piece of wood or meat," 1670s, probably a variant of chock "block." "Meat" sense is the source of Amer.Eng. chuck wagon (1880).
1670s, "lumpy piece of wood," possibly ultimately from O.N.Fr. choque "a block" (O.Fr. çoche "log," 12c.; Mod.Fr. souche "stump, stock, block"), from Gaul. *tsukka "a tree trunk, stump." Chock-a-block is nautical, said of two blocks of tackle run so closely they touch.
ultimu' nu vi se pare identic ca sens cu "ciot"?ciot

O.E. half, halb (Mercian), healf (W. Saxon) "side, part," not necessarily of equal division (original sense preserved in behalf), noun, adjective, and adverb all in O.E., from P.Gmc. *khalbas "something divided" (cf. O.S. halba, O.N. halfr, O.Fris., M.Du. half, Ger. halb, Goth. halbs "half"), perhaps from PIE (s)kel- "to cut." Used also in O.E. phrases as in modern German, to mean "one half unit less than," e.g. þridda healf "two and a half," lit. "half third." The construction in two and a half, etc., is first recorded c.1200. Of time, in half past ten, etc., first attested 1750; in Scottish, the half often is prefixed to the following hour, as in German (e.g. halb elf "ten thirty"). To go off half-cocked "speak or act too hastily" (1833) is in allusion to firearms going off prematurely.
c.1300, behalve (with dative suffix), from O.E. (him) be healfe "by (his) side," and on (his) healfe "on (his) side," from healfe "side"

mare  in basca=handi, handiak, galeza=helaeth

rus:ханка =hanka

Ideea peste tot este de bucata taiata din ceva.

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