man, mani, mani-m, man-th, manim-eri "the dead, spirits of the dead" [g/lb83, pa, dep]
mani "funerary monument" [am91]
mania guardian of the underworld, companion of Mantus [EM]
manin-, minin-ce "to offer to the Manes?" [g/lb83. mp68]
mantus god of the underworld, patron of Mantua [EM]
see Latin manes "the dead, ghosts" [g/lb83. pa, dep]
manixur "those that remain, resist (plural)" [az96]
mantissa "make-weight" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, mp68: 369]
Apai, nu stiu daca a mai scris cineva asta, da' m-am gandit c-o avea legatura.
Nu prea cred eu ca vine de la un rotacizat "monumentum"-lat. si nici de la "menteni"- de la "ment" = liber in magh...
Aici ma refer la "mânt" din cuvintele din titlu.
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